Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - June 2020 News

Hey everyone! I can’t believe I am writing a newsletter for June already! Lucky for us, that means it is closer to some more fun events in the horse world! I hope that you have gotten to get your horses out and go to some shows. Thank you to everyone who attended the all-member Zoom meeting! I enjoyed seeing all of you and hope that we answered some of your questions regarding upcoming events and activities. We hope to have another one very soon before the Youth World. We have some very important information regarding the Youth Excellence Seminar (YES) and the AQHYA Youth World Championship Show so make sure to read on.

The Youth Excellence Seminar (YES) registration is now up and ready for you to register! This year's YES seminar will be held virtually and is FREE! While we all wish we were headed to Amarillo for YES, this allows ALL MQHYA members to participate! Missouri has two members running for leadership positions: Justin Eddy for AQHYA President, and Hannah Inchiostro for Region 3 Director. The voting delegates for MQHYA will be Justin Eddy, Abby Eddy, Hannah Inchiostro, and Brooke Inchiostro. For more information on the virtual YES and to register click HERE.

If you are planning to show at the Youth World this summer and have not submitted your Letter of Intent, you need to contact Cara asap. The Youth World entry process is a bit different this year. Instead of Cara submitting all entries for Team Missouri, entries will be submitted online by each participant. Tack stalls are submitted to AQHA by Cara and MQHYA will invoice you for your portion. Please let Cara know who you wish to share a tack still with. If there are any questions about this year's Youth World show, do not hesitate to check out AQHA’s website or contact Cara.

Don’t forget about the other opportunities to get involved at Youth World. AQHYA hosts horse judging, speech competitions, art contests, and more! MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries from members. See all contest opportunities and information here. Contact Cara to submit these entries.

During our Zoom meeting, we came up with a Youth World Team Decorating Committee in charge of the stall decorations for Missouri. This committee is made up of Kelly Coonce, Morgan D’Albini, Evie Doles, Sydney Feager, Taylor Hinds, Brooke Inchiostro, Hannah Inchiostro, and Elleigh Wood. If you would like to be on this committee, please email or text either Cara, Hannah, or Brooke and we will add you in. Our Social Chair, Brooke Inchiostro, is hard at work putting together team t-shirts, gift, and other various tasks that come with the Youth World Show. If you have any ideas or suggestions for Brooke, please let her know as she would love to hear from you.

With having more members attending the Youth World Show and other various expenses such as food, drinks, fans, banners, etc. it is important for each member to do their part in finding sponsorships. These sponsorships will go towards making your Youth World experience the best it can be. Brooke, our Social Chair, has received donated Kimes hats and other various money donations. If you are asking for items, our number is 40 for people attending to leave some extras. Money donations are also accepted and much appreciated. The MQHYA Sponsorship/Donation form is attached and can also be found on the MQHA website under the Youth tab. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cara or me.

Lastly, MQHYA now has a FREE text alert service in place. If you have not done so already, please follow the link below to sign-up to receive texts from MQHYA. We will not send more than 1-3 messages per month. (If parents and youth would both like to receive messages, each person/phone number will need to complete the sign-up process.) This is free for you. Signing up for this service is completely voluntary. We will continue to email our monthly newsletter, share important information on our Facebook page, etc.   

Please click on the link below to join our group. (For reference, our group code is @missouriq.)


I hope you are all doing the best you can in these unusual times. I can’t wait to see you all again and watch you thrive in the arena!

Best wishes,

Hannah Inchiostro

President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association




Cara Harmon
Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association

Please be sure to ‘like’ MQHYA’s Facebook page (Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association) to stay up to date between newsletters. We share a lot of important information and reminders on this page.