Get to know our amazing youth leaders!

Written by: Abigail Eddy, MQHYA Reporter

Meet the MQHYA President, Hannah inchiostro!

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I am the current MQHYA President and have been reporter and director at large in past years. My favorite part about being involved in MQHYA is that I get to do something I love while being supported by other youth all across Missouri. My goal is to increase youth participation as well as sense of belonging within MQHYA. I highly encourage going to the MQHA convention, going to the YES seminar, and participating in the youth fundraisers and events at the shows. Horses have been a big part of my life and my family's life and have always helped me to grow as a person. For a while, I haven't even had a quarter horse to show, but I still was made to feel apart of MQHYA and still was able to have so much fun and make so many memories.

Meet the MQHYA Vice President, Morgan D’ Albini!

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Morgan is the current Vice President. She has been on both the Youth World and Congress NYATT teams. She loves that everyone is so welcoming and that our youth association and that it feels like a tightly knit family. Morgan wants to work with Hannah to get some more team spirit going for our World Show and Congress teams. She also wants to reach out to newer members and help make them feel more welcome at the shows in Missouri. She encourages other members to join our World Show and Congress teams, help with fundraisers at the shows, and go to our annual meeting at the year-end MQHA banquet.

MQHYA has given me a place where I can be involved in leadership and do what I love (showing my horses) all at the same time. It has helped me come out of my shell and gain confidence in and out of the show pen. I’ve also developed some very strong friendships within the association that I know will far outlive our youth years.” Says Morgan

Meet the MQHYA Social Chair, Brooke Inchiostro!

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Brooke is the the social chair and goes to the Youth World. Brooke is also on the NYATT team. Her favorite part about MQHYA is the opportunity that she gets to be apart of. For example, YES and helping out and being part of a group. Also the new friends that you meet with the same interests as you.

Brookes goals this year as the social chair are to get more social involvement within the youth, and have more social events and and bonding. She encourages others to get involved by coming to the convention and meet the youth and go to meetings at shows and fundraisers.

“My ‘why’ is because I the enjoy the adrenaline and excitement of showing. I love to practice and get better. I hope to have my hard work pay off and learn new skill to improve my game.” -says Brooke

Meet one of the MQHYA Directors at Large, Taylor Hindes!

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Taylor is a director at large. She is hoping to be on this year youth world team and congress NYATT team. I love The people and the community. Her favorite part about MQHYA is that, “once I came Into MQHYA I felt like I had a new home and a family.”

Taylor’s goals this year are, to help guide more people into the state of Missouri and join our team. “It is full of amazing opportunities and I believe many people should join that are missing out!!”

“My ‘why’ is the feeling of being with this association with these people. My horse Charlie also gives me her all. We came from the very bottom and she didn’t know anything. I worked her almost everyday trying to teach her everything. We are now successful in the show world and I cant wait for the future together.” -says Taylor

Meet one of the MQHYA Directors at Large, Sydney Feager!

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She has been a Directer at Large for 2 years now, this being her second year. “The people you meet in this association is by far the best part for me, the opportunities that it has given me are also amazing, like being apart of the youth excellence seminar and gaining so many life skills through it all!” Says Sydney

Her goal this year as a Director at Large is to bring in new members to MQHYA, one way she does this is by teaching out through social media. “This is such an amazing group to be apart of and many youth don't know how easy it is to join this very welcoming group.”

She helps people to get involved through the fundraisers we have, and talking to new people everywhere she goes! She encourages all youth able to attend the YES seminar and the MQHA convention, as well as all the fundraisers that we have, “it is beyond a experience and is so much fun!”

"My why of being in MQHYA is for the showing, the leadership, and the friends you make. When you show it is filled with so much excitement and competition, it's very hard not to love this sport and have a passion for it. Along with the life skills you learn from being apart of the group and the bonds you make with people, they become your family.” Says Sydney!

Meet one of the MQHYA Directors at Large, Evie Doles!

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Evie has gone to Youth World for the last couple years and competed on the Congress NYATT team for the last three years. She was the Social Chair for the MQHYA in 2019, and is currently holding a Director At Large position! She loves saying hi to all of my friends at shows that she met through MQHYA. “It’s great to meet new people at the Missouri shows, and I love to talk to new people in the lineup showing.” -says Evie

Her goal is to encourage participation in the Congress NYATT and the Youth World Team. “We have the numbers, we just need the participation, and we’re golden! I would go to local Missouri shows and talk to some youth there. We’re pretty much everywhere at the shows, so just reach out and talk to one of us! Show in Missouri shows, and participate in some of the fun activities we have planned for this year.” Exclaims Evie

"My “why” is because I truly wouldn’t have a life without horses. Horses are what I do every day, and they make life so much greater. I’ve been showing since I was 9, and I’ve been addicted ever since. I want to get better every day to become a better rider and person!"

Meet one of the MQHYA members, Maddox Murphy!

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Maddox grew up showing horses at MQHA shows, and participating in fundraisers and well as leadership opportunities such as the ‘Youth Excellence Seminar’! Since then, she has been a involved officer and director. Most recently she was the youth associations Vice President! She has also in the past been a director at large.Her favorite part about MQHYA is the relationships she has formed through this organization. She has met lot of new friends. As well as built life long friendships through the association. Maddox has always been very involved and enthusiastic when it comes to MQHYA. “I’ve been born and raised in MQHYA.” - she says.

“My why is because it’s a family tradition... A fun way for my family to bond. It’s been in my family for 3 generations now!” -says Maddox

Meet one of the MQHYA members, Lola Morris!

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Lola comes and shows at MQHA shows and helps out with MQHYA fundraisers! She shows in reining, ranch riding, and ranch horse classes. She helps out at lots of fundraisers, in the past she volunteered to help with the Winter Blast judging clinic! Lola’s favorite part about MQHYA is all of the opportunities. She has gotten to travel the country as well as meat life long friends through this association. She first got involved in this group by going to shows and meeting amazing new people!                                                                                                                                 

“My ‘why’ would probably be the feeling of friendship and belonging the horses give me. Whether I’m at a show, at the barn or just out in a pasture, I am completely happy. Even the most trying days with the horses are still better than a day without them.” Says Lola!

Meet one of the MQHYA members, Giorgia Medows!

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Giorgia competes at shows in Missouri throughout the year. She also attends the MQHYA convention in January. She tries to participate in fundraising and all youth activities every chance she gets! Giorgia loves all the people involved!

“It’s really cool to get to know people with the same interests as you. “- she says.

Giorgia got involved with MQHYA because her dad was a member of MQHYA when he was in youth and her mom also showed horses growing up!

“My “why” is my family and friends that I’ve met through showing horses. I love going to shows with my family and being able to bond over something we all love.” -say Giorgia!

Meet one of the MQHYA members, Jordan Czerwinski!

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Jordan is a very active member of MQHYA! In past years she has participated in both the NYATT team, as well as Missouri’s youth world team. She also always helps out at shows and fundraisers! Her favorite part about this association is that she gets to meet new people. She has met friends from all across the world thanks to the horses and horse showing! Jordan has made life long friendships and memories through this organization. She really loves the way that MQHYA has become like a second family to her!

Although, Jordan has made many new friends she also values older friends... as they were the ones who first introduced her to this amazing group, when she was first showing in lead line.

“My why is because I LOVE horses they make me happy and when I set goals I accomplish them! Also, it’s a way for my family to spend time together doing something we truly love.” -says Jordan!

Meet one of the MQHYA members, Hunter Skouby!

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Each year Hunter, participates in the shows and fundraisers! He has also attended YES, and the annual convention and awards banquet. His favorite part about this amazing association, is all of the leadership opportunities he has been able to have, and all of the future opportunities he hopes to work towards! Hunter also really enjoys all of the new friends he has gotten the chance to make through MQHYA. He first started getting involved with the youth association when he started showing his grandmas horse JT and now he has his own horse, Bugs!!

“My why is showing my amazing horse, and all the life long friendships that I have made over the years!” says Hunter.