Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - April 2021 News
Hello, we’ve had a great start to the season!
Thank you to all who participated in our fundraisers during the MQHA Maple Leaf show last month! Several of our youth were able to log several work credit hours.
Your hard work helped us raise the following funds:
- MQHA Apparel Sales: $1,170 (A big thanks to super dad's, Rick Coonce & Brad Wellendorf for 'manning' the apparel table on Saturday and boosting our sales through their outstanding marketing efforts!)
- Blind Horsemanship Challenge: $560
- Warm-up Classes: $65 (We will continue to have these at all MQHA shows.)
- Gateway Stall Raffle Ticket Sales: $50
**Total deposit from our fundraising efforts at the Maple Leaf: $1,845!
At the MQHA Winter Blast show next week (April 22-25) we will be selling raffle tickets for a stall at the MQHA Gateway Classic show (May 27-30) in Lake St. Louis. We need your help selling tickets! We will draw the stall winner on Saturday, April 24 at the Winter Blast Show. (You DO NOT have to be present to claim/win.)
Ticket pricing:
1 ticket - $5
5 tickets - $20
15 tickets - $50
The Youth Excellence Seminar (YES) is going to be held in person this year! This event is scheduled for July 12-14 in Amarillo, Texas. Event information and registration is available here. (Check out whose picture is featured on this AQHA webpage!) In past years, this has been a great team bonding event for MQHYA (in fact, we brought the most people in 2019) and it is also a great place to learn new leadership skills! Every year they have multiple guest speakers, a dance, leadership workshops, a community service project, and this is also where AQHYA officer and director campaigns/elections occur!
If you are planning to attend YES, please let youth adviser, Cara, know as soon as possible so she can include you with our team travel plans! It is an unforgettable, life-changing experience so I encourage all to go if your summer allows for it.
If you are planning on attending the Youth World Show (July 28 - August 8) in Oklahoma City and have not submitted your Letter of Intent, you need to contact Cara immediately. If you are planning on joining Team Missouri from another state – or joining another state team and live in Missouri, you must submit a Change of Affiliation form. These forms are due to AQHA by May 15 and require several signatures. Like last year, Missouri has an unlimited number of spots it can offer to competitors for the youth world! In addition to this, L1 classes will also be offered again. We are excited to have an outstanding team again this year!
Don’t forget about the other opportunities to get involved at the Youth World. AQHYA hosts horse judging, speech competitions, art contests, and more! Entries are due to AQHA by July 15. Contact Cara if you are interested, as she will send all Team Missouri entries in together. MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries from members. These contests are so much fun and a great way to make the most of your Youth World experience!
Lastly, it is important that we are looking for team sponsorships throughout the year. The money that is raised is used to help pay for team costs for the Youth World, Congress NYATT team, and YES. This in turn helps you!
We already have two amazing sponsors for this year:
- Manna Pro ($250)
- Hot Headstalls ($200)
Please be sure to thank these generous sponsors when you have the opportunity.
See you all soon!
Abby Eddy
President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association
Cara Harmon
Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association