Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - February 2021 News
February 2021 News
Hello everyone! I know that it is hard to believe, but it is already February and the Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association is off to a great start! We had quite a few of our members attend the youth meeting. There were lots of great ideas shared and participation in our elections was awesome! It is with pleasure and excitement that I announce your new 2021 MQHYA Officer and Director Team:
President: Abby Eddy
Vice-President: Kelly Coonce
Reporter: Morgan D’Albini
Executive Director - Social Chair: Brooke Inchiostro
Executive Director - Membership: Sydney Feager
Directors at Large: Evie Doles, Hazel Myles, Cooper Skouby, Hunter Skouby, Sarah Wachtel, and Elleigh Wood
MQHYA has a lot coming ahead, so please be sure to read through all of this newsletter!
MQHA Winter Blast Circuit
February 18-21, 2021 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis
Our main fundraiser will be raffling off a stall for our May show, the Gateway Classic. We discussed this idea last month at our annual youth meeting, but I’m’ now excited to announce that the open board approved donating a stall to us! In addition to this we will be continuing to sell MQHA and MQHYA apparel. If you are planning to attend Winter Blast, we need YOUR help! We want to make sure that there are a few members sitting at our clothing booth each day, as this has been a successful fundraiser in for us in the past!
Each year MQHYA forms a team of members to compete at the National Youth Activity Team Tournament (NYATT) at Congress. It’s time to start thinking about if this is something that might interest you! The All-American Quarter Horse Congress hosts the largest National Youth Team Tournament competition in the world. It brings together many youth from state and regional Quarter Horse associations across the U.S. and Canada. For MQHYA we look at your BEST 8 shows to decide our team each year! If this is something that sounds interesting to you please reach out to our youth advisor, Cara Harmon ASAP! We have a limited amount of shows left. To make sure your best shows count, be sure to fill out a right away letter of intent!
Make sure, if you haven’t’ already, to renew your MQHYA membership for 2021. You can access the link by clicking this membership link.
Finally, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Abby Eddy, and I am excited to serve as your 2021 MQHYA President. I am 14 years old, live in Rocheport, Missouri, and am currently a freshman at Hickman High School in Columbia. With lots of fundraising ideas, team bonding, and increased youth involvement, I believe this year is going to be one of our best yet! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I am always looking for new ideas on how to make MQHYA that much better!
Abby Eddy
MQHYA President
Cara Harmon
Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association caramharmon@gmail.com
Please be sure to “like” MQHYAs’ Facebook page (Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association) to stay up-to-date between newsletters. We share a lot of important information and reminders on this page.