Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - October 2020 News

Hello all! I hope this email finds you all safe and somewhat managing the 2020 school year! I am very excited to see all of you attending the Maple Leaf Show this week! We have quite a few things happening in a short time so read ahead and get excited for the Maple Leaf!

MQHA Maple Leaf Show

October 8-11, 2020 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

We will sell MQHA and MQHYA apparel. We need youth members to help work the table so if you are interested in helping, contact Cara or myself!

Also, please consider contacting your labor auction purchasers to fulfill your duties this weekend. With limited shows this year, this is a great time to get your time done and help out! If there are any questions about who may have purchased you, please feel free to contact Cara!

In addition to the apparel, MQHYA will be hosting the Trainer Horsemanship Challenge on Friday evening.

Trainer Horsemanship Challenge Details:

★      We will take nominations on Thursday and Friday during the show.

★      An initial nomination is $20 per trainer. Jars will be set up for each nominated trainer. Trainers can continue to be 'nominated' by placing any value of money in their respective jar.

★      A board will be kept tracking where each trainer is at compared to the other trainers as far as donation amounts.

★      The eight trainers with the highest nomination (most money) will compete in the horsemanship challenge at the end of the show on Friday during the horsemanship.

★      The eight trainers will be on horses in the arena and we will Calcutta each trainer. We will pay the purchaser of the winning trainer AND the purchaser of the 4th place winning trainer. MQHYA will keep 20% of the total Calcutta earnings. Then, the remaining 80% will be split between the purchaser of 1st and 4th place, 60% and 40% to each respectively.

★      The first-place trainer will take home $50.

★      Be sure to tell your trainer to start practicing their horsemanship skills

We will need youth to help work the nomination table throughout the day on Thursday and Friday and then of course during the activity Friday night so please reach out to Cara or myself if you are able to help. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cara or I and we would love to help you help us! 

Fall Festival All Breed Youth Horse Show

November 14&15, 2020 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

While our MQHA shows are wrapping up for the year, we still have the Fall Festival All Breed Youth Horse Show! It is presented by MQHA Charities at the National Equestrian Center on November 14-15. Make sure you make plans to attend! MQHYA will host a 'Build Your Own Cupcake' Exhibitor Party on Saturday evening. It should be a fun event, so be sure to come out and socialize with the other youth!  If you don’t plan on showing, it is a great opportunity to volunteer. Don’t forget helping out at the consignment clothing booth helps toward scholarship hours. If you are interested, please contact Youth Advisor, Cara Harmon for more information!

MQHA Convention & Awards Banquet

We are only a few months away from the Annual MQHA Convention and Awards Banquet. This year it will be held January 23 at Old Kinderhook Resort in Camdenton. Please save that date for our annual youth meeting and make plans to attend. Watch for more details from MQHA soon!

2021 Youth World (And Congress NYATT Team) Qualifying

AQHA announced last week that traditional qualifying requirements will resume for the 2021 AQHA championship shows. Our 2021 qualifying season is May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021. That means the October Maple Leaf show is a 2021 qualifying show! If you have not submitted your 2021 Letter of Intent, you need to do so asap. Remember, your points do not count until Cara has this form on file. You can find the Letter of Intent form attached. Cara will be at the show Tuesday-Sunday, so be sure to get your form to her before you show!

Thank you all for your help this year and in advance to this show! I can’t wait to see you all soon!

Best regards,

Hannah Inchiostro

President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association



Cara Harmon

Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association