Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - January 2020 News

Dear MQHYA family,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. I want to share details for the upcoming MQHA Convention, next weekend (January 17-19) in Columbia.

On Saturday, we will have a Youth Parent Meeting at 8:30am. I invite and encourage all parents to attend - especially if your youth is participating in Y.E.S. or our Youth World Show and Congress NYATT teams. I have attached the agenda for this meeting. A goal I have set for MQHYA in 2020 is to foster a more active and engaged parent group. I have identified a few parent chairs for 2020. Please know, there is a place and role for you. We will also discuss the youth budget in detail during this meeting. Following the Parent Meeting, we’ll hold our Annual Youth Meeting at 9:30am. We will elect 2020 officers and directors, discuss Youth World Show and Congress NYATT team activities, make plans for the Youth Excellence Seminar (Y.E.S.), determine fundraisers and fun activities for the year and much more! I have attached the agenda for the Youth Meeting.

If you are interested in running for an officer or director position, please see the attached document detailing the responsibilities of each office. Remember, be sure to have a brief speech prepared for the position you are running for.

At noon on Saturday, we’ll head across the street to Level Up Entertainment. I’ve reserved a private party room for pizza and games. Youth will spend the afternoon bowling and playing laser tag. This is sure to be a FUN team building activity!

We’ll have our MQHA logo apparel for sale at the convention. This has proven to be a successful fundraiser and outreach opportunity for us. We need youth members and parents to help run this table (near registration) throughout the weekend. We’ll talk about this more in our meetings on Saturday morning.

This year’s banquet theme is ‘Roaring 20’s’ – MQHA leadership encourages everyone to dress for the occasion Saturday night! We will have a couple of reserved tables at the banquet for youth officers, directors and members who wish to sit together during dinner and the entertainment.

I have attached our current Youth World Show and Congress NYATT Letter of Intent lists. If you plan to participate in either team as a state entry, you need to submit your Letter of Intent asap. (Form attached.) Your show points do not count for qualifying until I have this form. We have several youth competing for a limited number of spots! 

Lastly, if you have not done so already, be sure to complete your 2020 MQHYA membership so you will continue to receive the newsletter and important updates and information. You can find the membership form on the MQHA website – www.moqha.com

I hope to see you next weekend at the MQHA Convention. Until then, stay safe (and warm) and enjoy the New Year!

Cara Harmon

Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association



Please be sure to ‘like’ MQHYA’s Facebook page (Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association) to stay up-to-date between newsletters. We share a lot of important information and reminders on this page.