MQHA Member Spotlight: Samantha Kinslow

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Name:  Samantha Kinslow

Where are you from: Weston, Missouri

How long have you been showing horses? Since 9U walk trot, I took a break for about 12 years while I was in college and first married. 

How long have you been in Missouri?  All of my life - I have moved within the state

What is your favorite horse show? That is a great question, now I tend to enjoy the smaller to mid-size shows where I can meet up with friends and enjoy time together

What is your favorite event to show in? Equitation

What is your favorite class to watch? Trail, I love to watch a great trail pattern

Who is your all-time favorite horse? And why?  That's so hard!  I feel like each horse has taught me something different that I needed.  But, probably Skip Finals, my long time youth horse.  He was tough and gave me the proper foundation for the rider I am today.  Plus you could take him anywhere - the arena, swim across a pond, trail ride, etc. 

If you are not at a horse show, what would we find you doing?  Definitely, you would find me at a sporting event watching one of my boys play something.

Do you have another job…besides taking care of your horses? Yes!  I am co-owner of Therapy At School, a contract Physical and Occupational Therapy company 

Favorite food?  BBQ !!!! 

Favorite restaurant?  Any restaurant in Weston - we have some fantastic ones! 

Favorite fun class at a horse show?   I always enjoy the trainer competition classes

Favorite movie?  Lately, probably A Star is Born based on Bradley Cooper's remarkable directing ability to draw you in to their story. 

Favorite quote?  You miss 100% the shots you don't take.

What is your dream vacation?  I would love to spend extended time overseas

Tell us something most people don’t know about you?   That I am fairly introverted, so it is always a surprise to my non horse friends on what I actually do at a horse show. 

One piece of advice you would like to share with exhibitors who are just getting started?  Find a few great riders that are kind to their horses and emulate them, ask them questions, and study how they do things.  Ask 1000 questions until you can actually feel what your horse is doing. 

If there is anything else you would like to share, please tell us!  I would like to thank MQHA for their service to the horse industry and years of great trainers and horses. So many memories and friends are tied to MQHA and showing. 

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