Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association

March 2019 News

Hi there!

Spring is nearing and that means so is the MQHA Maple Leaf show! It was fun to catch up with members at the MQHA Winter Blast and see lots of success in the show ring. It was a great start to the season! With numbers up from last year, An Equine Production just released an improved schedule for Maple Leaf. Information can be found, here.

This year, we once again hosted our horse judging clinic and contest at the MQHA Winter Blast. We featured a beginner and advanced clinic, hosted by Amanda Jones from NEO on Friday. A contest followed on Saturday morning. I would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time or horses to the judging contest. We awarded MQHA t-shirts to the top individuals. Congratulations to all contestants, and the Ozark FFA for winning the open contest! MQHYA will be sending multiple horse judging teams to the AQHYA Youth World this year. This clinic and contest are an incredible fundraiser for MQHYA and would not be possible without the Eddy family. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our association!

We continue to have our MQHA and MQHYA apparel available for sale! We have MQHA dri-fit t-shirts, long sleeve t’s and quarter zip sweatshirts – as well as MQHYA t-shirts and hats available for purchase. We will have the items available for purchase at our MQHYA booth at the upcoming MQHA Maple Leaf and Gateway Classic horse shows. This is an important fundraiser for MQHYA!

Here is our fundraiser/youth activity plan for the upcoming MQHA shows:

 MQHA Maple Leaf
March 28-31 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

We will have a table in the arena area selling MQHA and MQHYA apparel. We need youth members to help work the table!

MQHA Gateway Classic
May 23-26 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

In addition to the MQHA and MQHYA apparel sales, on Friday evening, May 24, we will host a pizza exhibitor party, similar to what we’ve hosted in the past. We will also have a silent auction available at the show. We need all youth members to bring something for the auction!

 We have a few qualifying shows left if you are interested in competing at AQHYA Youth World Championship Show or on our Congress NYATT Team! If you haven’t sent in your Letter of Intent, now is the time! Points do not start counting until it is received. I will be attaching a list of current LOI’s. AQHA has posted a tentative schedule for the Youth World.

Remaining 2019 Youth World & Congress NYATT Team Qualifying Shows:

March 23-24 - Heart of America Buckskin Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage

March 28-31 - MQHA Maple Leaf | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

April 13-14 - Ozark QH Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage

April 27-28 - Heart of America Buckskin Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage


First two shows of the 2020 Youth World & Congress NYATT Team Qualifying:

May 9-12 - Celebrating Kansas Amateur Quarter Horse Show - Domer Arena, Topeka, KS

May 23-26 - MQHA Gateway Classic | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis


Another important event we have coming up, July 9-11 is the AQHYA Youth Excellence Seminar (YES), in Amarillo, Texas. Registration recently opened and is due to AQHA by June 1. If you are interested in YES, please be sure to register and let Cara know so we can work on hotel and travel arrangements. It looks like we are going to have an awesome group attend this year! It is the highlight of my summer every year, so I hope everyone considers going! If you have any questions, please let me know. Registration can be found, here.

 If you haven’t renewed your MQHA membership for 2019, don’t delay. You can find the 2019 membership form on MQHA's website.

 Our Reporter, Hannah Inchiostro is working on monthly member spotlights. We ask that you fill out the short questionnaire at the link, here. Additionally, try to send any pictures throughout the year, as we will once again be competing in the scrapbook contest at AQHYA Youth World. The past two years, Hannah has won Team Missouri 1st Place in this competition. Thanks for all your hard work, Hannah!

 It is going to be a great year for MQHYA! Remember it’s never too late to get involved. We will have various fundraisers throughout the year, and we can always use volunteers! As always, feel free to contact Cara or myself if you have any questions! And don’t forget to rise to the challenge!

 Kat Dixon

MQHYA President




Cara Harmon
Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association


We will have apparel available for purchase at the upcoming MQHA Maple Leaf and Gateway Classic shows! Thank you for supporting MQHYA!
