Getting to know our MQHA Leadership: Melinda Maxson

WHAT IS YOUR NAME?  Melinda Maxson


WHERE ARE YOU FROM?  I was born and raised in Southern California and now live in St. James, Missouri.  

TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY- I have three sons and a daughter.  My youngest is 17, the oldest is 23 and I have lots of gray hair.  

WHAT GOT YOU INVOLVED IN HORSES AND FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED? My dad always loved horses and told me if I saved up my allowance and took riding lessons, I could get a pony.  I was seven years old, and I have been horse crazy ever since.  

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS TO SHOW IN OR WATCH?  I really enjoy the Ranch Riding.  My new favorite class is the Ranch Rail.  It's like showing the pleasure with a horse that's running off - so much fun!

DESCRIBE YOUR BEST HORSE SHOW MEMORY- I have been blessed with so many good ones - but I loved watching Sure Slidin Smart win the VRH World Conformation last year.  There were 80 horses out there, and it took all night, but he showed great and went back in and won with me in an equally huge Amateur class.   

WHAT ENERGIZES YOU AND DRAINS YOU AT HORSE SHOWS? Energizes me: coffee and a deep sense of appreciation that I get to surround myself with these amazing horses. Drains me: loading up at the end of the horse show, especially when everyone has left and it's just the two of us.  Soul crushing.  

WHO IS YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE HORSE? Sure Slidin Smart.  I love him.  He's been such a good sport letting us use him as the crash test dummy in the reining all these years.  He's just a good old boy.  

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT MQHA?  MQHA is like family.  There's so much love and support amongst all our members - these are truly good people, and I am so blessed to be a part of this organization.  

ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON OR NIGHT OWL? I am a morning person!  I'd be in bed by 9pm every night if I could.

DO YOU USUALLY ARRIVE EARLY OR LATE?  If it were entirely up to me, I would be early.  I hate being late.  

ON FRIDAY NIGHT…WOULD YOU RATHER GO OUT OR STAY IN?  On Friday night I can do either, or.  I love staying home and enjoying the farm, but it's nice to go out and see people too.  

IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPERPOWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE?  My superpower would be to make everyone love each other and be kind.  There is way too much hate in this world.  

WHAT IS YOUR PROCESS FOR TURNING A BAY DAY INTO A GOOD ONE?  My process for turning a bad day into a good one - more coffee, and a quick kick in the butt to remind myself to keep things in perspective.

IF YOU WERE TO WRITE A MEMOIR ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD YOU TITLE IT?  No idea what I would title a memoir.  My kids would probably title it "The Crazy Horse Mom."  

TELL A FACT THAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU? A fact most people don't know - I was a debate geek.  My Junior year at Boston College, my partner and I defeated the Naval Academy to win the National Championship.    

SHARE THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU- Best piece of advice was from my mom who told me that you will live your life in stages, and you can have everything, just not all at the same time. 

WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER?  I always wanted to be a lawyer, for as long as I can remember.  

DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN TALENTS?  My hidden talent - I am an operatic soprano.  I took voice lessons for several years and performed in several musical theater productions.  

NAME ONE THING ON YOUR BUCKET LIST?  I'd like to take my daughter back to visit Ethiopia, where she was born.  

LAST MOVIE YOU SAW?  Pieces of Her


WOULD YOU EVER GO ON A REALITY SHOW?  IF SO, WHICH ONE?  I am not a reality TV person - I can hardly stand watching a video of myself riding.

FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH?  Whatever sport my kids are playing.  Currently baseball and volleyball.


FAVORITE RESTAURANT?  Lydia's in Kansas City  


FAVORITE QUOTE?  "There is always light.  If only we're brave enough to see it.  If only we're brave enough to be it."  Amanda Gorman