Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - June 2019 News

It was great to see everyone at the Gateway Classic in Lake St. Louis! We had a great turnout at our meeting, as well as our pizza party and silent auction. Thank you to everyone who brought a basket or item for the auction and helped make this event a success! We’ve had great support for our fundraisers this year. At Gateway, we also debuted some new MQHA t-shirts! We still have a variety of MQHA apparel items available, and we can ship them for a small fee.

While we don’t have any events coming up in June, on July 9-11, we will be attending the 2019 Bank of America Youth Excellence Seminar (YES), in Amarillo, Texas. We have a great team going this year, and a lot of new attendees! If anyone has any questions about YES, be sure to contact me or Cara!

Below is a list of those who are attending YES this year. If you are planning to go and your name is not listed below, please contact Cara asap!

Youth: Reid Beard, Kelly Coonce, Kat Dixon (delegate), Evie Doles, Abby Eddy, Justin Eddy (delegate), Chloe Engelbrecht, Sydney Feager, Hannah Inchiostro (delegate), Brooke Inchiostro, Hunter Skouby, Paige Wellendorf & Elleigh Wood
Parents: Annette Dixon, Pam/Tom Downing, Kelly Eddy, Leslie Skouby & Patty Wellendorf

LAST CALL! AQHYA hosts several contests at the Youth World show outside of the show ring, such as horse judging, speech competitions, art contests, and more! MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries from members. See all contest opportunities and information here. Entries are due to AQHA by June 15. Contact Cara today if you are interested, as she will mail all Team Missouri entries together this week.

Team Missouri Youth World Contest Entries (as of today):
Scrapbook Contest: Hannah & Brooke Inchiostro
Justin Boots and Wrangler Jeans Decorating Contest: Abby Eddy
Horse Judging Contest:
- MQHYA Team: Heath Brandt, Abby Eddy, Chloe Engelbrecht & Brooke Inchiostro
- Ozark FFA Team: Tyler Albright, Bailey Clement, Keetan Stutesmun & Haze Wright
- Jasper County 4H Team
Individual Contest Entries:
- Heath Brandt: Prepared Speech & Impromptu Speech Contests
- Alyssa Pemberton: 2 Drawing/Painting & 1 Photography Art Contest
- Hunter Skouby: 13&Under Public Speaking Contest
- Paige Wellendorf: Drawing/Painting Art Contest

Cara has emailed all Youth World Team members their entry letter, which includes the total due to MQHYA. Make sure to get these sent to Cara by the June 21 deadline. Now is also the time to turn in your 2020 Youth World and Congress NYATT Team Letter of Intent, so that your points begin counting towards next year’s state qualifying! The form is available on the youth page of the MQHA website as well as attached to this email.

New this year, we are looking for sponsors for Team Missouri! If you know of a business or people that would like to help MQHYA members better serve our members, let us know! I have attached a sponsorship letter template and form for you to use. The form is also on the youth page of the MQHA website. I would love to increase participation and improve the experience of our team! I’d really like to improve our hospitality stall, stall decorations, and other parts of the team experience. We need you to help find sponsors. Remember, if you are on our Youth World team, this is very important!

Our Reporter, Hannah Inchiostro is working on monthly member spotlights. If you have not done so, we ask that you fill out the short questionnaire here. Also, please send any pictures/videos of you and your horse to Hannah at hinchiostro@gmail.com. She works very hard on our MQHYA scrapbook!


Kat Dixon

President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association



Cara Harmon

Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association