Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association

February 2019 News

Greetings! February is here, and the Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association has started off the year great! There were lots of new faces at the MQHA Convention and it is going to be a great year. We had a fun group at Convention, where we enjoyed our youth meeting and outing to Lazer Lanes. I am excited to announce your new 2019 MQHYA Officer and Director Team!

President: Katherine Dixon

Vice-President: Maddox Murphy

Reporter: Hannah Inchiostro

Executive Director - Social Chair: Evie Doles

Executive Director - Membership Co-Chairs: Elleigh Wood & Chloe Engelbrecht

Past President: Justin Eddy

Directors at Large: Giorgia Medows, Alyssa Pemberton, Abby Eddy, Kelly Coonce, Morgan D’Albini, and Sydney Feager

MQHA has lots of upcoming events! At all of these events, we hope to have our MQHA & MQHYA apparel available to purchase! We have had a great response and sold out of lots of sizes at the convention. We have placed a second order and will have the new stock available at the Winter Blast! I would like to thank all the members for their hard work!

 MQHA Winter Blast Circuit
February 21-24, 2019 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

On Friday, we will be hosting two horse judging clinics with the award-winning coach, Amanda Jones. In the afternoon, Clinic A is for competitors who have previously competed and are looking to grow their skills. Friday evening, Clinic B is for students who are looking to get their start in competitive horse judging.

On Saturday, we will be hosting an open horse judging contest, as well as the Missouri State 4-H contest. Registration is available at https://www.moqha.com/new-events. It is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!

 MQHA Maple Leaf
March 28-31, 2019 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

We will have our apparel available for purchase but stay tuned for more event & fundraising details!

 MQHA Gateway Classic
May 23-26, 2019 | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

On Saturday, May 25 - MQHYA is planning on hosting a pizza exhibitor party, similar to what we’ve hosted in the past. More details coming soon!

On July 9-11, 2019, MQHYA will be attending the AQHYA Youth Excellence Seminar in Amarillo, Texas. This is an awesome experience that allows you to meet youth from across the nation and world! It also has some amazing leadership opportunities. I highly recommend YES, as it is the highlight of my summer every year. If you are interested in attending this year, be sure to let myself or Cara know, as we are already making travel plans!     

The AQHYA Youth World Championship Show will be held August 1 -10 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. If you are planning to be on the 2019 Youth World or Congress NYATT teams, be sure to send your Letter of Intent to Cara as soon as possible. That form can be found on the Youth page of MQHA’s website: www.moqha.com. Remember, your points do not start to count for our available slots until you turn in your Letter of Intent! I recommend getting your forms in as soon as possible! I have attached a list of current Letter of Intents.

As the 2019 spring season is quickly approaching, we have six opportunities left if you intend on state qualifying.

February 21-24 - MQHA Winter Blast Circuit | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

March 9-10 - Ozark QH Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage

March 23-24 - Heart of America Buckskin Show| Lucky J Arena, Carthage

March 28- 31- MQHA Maple Leaf | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

April 13-14 - Ozark QH Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage

April 27-28 - Heart of America Buckskin Show| Lucky J Arena, Carthage

First show of 2020 qualifying season:

May 23-26 – MQHA Gateway Classic | National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis

There are several other opportunities to get involved with MQHYA and even compete at AQHYA Youth World Show. AQHYA hosts horse judging, speech competitions, art contests, and even more! There are more details on AQHYA's website. This past year, MQHYA had multiple champions in these events! MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries for members. Be thinking about what you want to participate in.

If you haven’t renewed your MQHYA membership for 2019, this is the time to do so! You can find the 2019 membership form on MQHA’s website, here.

Our Reporter, Hannah Inchiostro is working on monthly member spotlights. We ask that you fill out the short questionnaire at the link, here. Additionally, try to send any pictures throughout the year, as we will once again be competing in the scrapbook contest at AQHYA Youth World! Hannah has led Team Missouri to 1st Place in the scrapbook contest for the past TWO years. Thanks for all your hard work, Hannah!

Lastly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kat Dixon and I am blessed to be serving as your 2019 MQHYA President. I am 17 years old, and I am currently attending Missouri Southern State University as a non-degree seeking student. I am also finishing high school through Texas Tech University ISD. I have shown Ranch Riding, VRH, and Reining for the past couple of years. I am super thrilled to serve MQHYA this year! If anyone has any questions or ideas, I would love to hear them! I want to get 100 percent of our membership involved! Feel free to contact me at any time! Let’s make 2019 an extraordinary year!


Kat Dixon

MQHYA President




Cara Harmon
Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association

Please be sure to ‘like’ MQHYA’s Facebook page (Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association) to stay up-to-date between newsletters. We share a lot of important information and reminders on this page.