MQHA Member Spotlight: Gail Scheller

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Name:  Gail Scheller

Where are you from: Livingston, Illinois

How long have you been showing horses? I started with Open Shows about 35 years.

How long have you been in Missouri? I just joined MQHA this year. 

What is your favorite horse show? Definitely, Congress is my favorite horse show. Second to that would be the Venice, Florida show and then NSBA World show. They are all so much fun!

What is your favorite event to show in? Trail is my favorite event. It’s definitely challenging! I’m beginning to love Western Riding but sometimes my count is a little off, resulting in a penalty but I’m beginning to get the hang of it.

What is your favorite class to watch? Trail for sure. 

Who is your all-time favorite horse? And why? My all-time favorite horse is Tai Me High or Ollie. He is retired now but he has a special place in my heart for winning Novice Amateur Trail with me on-board at the 2010 All American Congress. What a day that was!

If you are not at a horse show, what would we find you doing? Gosh, I don’t want to say resting in my recliner, but I do gravitate toward it several times a day. Perhaps, it is magnetized! You might also find me with grand-kids. There is NOTHING like spending time spoiling them.

Do you have another job…besides taking care of your horses? No, I’m a retired art teacher. 

Favorite food? It’s really hard to say because I love so many different foods. I do love lobster with butter, though! 

Favorite restaurant? My kitchen, with my husband as chef! Nothing tastes as good as home cooking.

Favorite fun class at a horse show? The dog races are fun to watch! If I can get my Jack Russell pup to come right to me, I’d enter her because she’s fast. 

Favorite movie? PS I Love You.

Favorite quote? Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God. 

What is your dream vacation? Going to visit the wine country in Italy for at least a month....and the money to pay for it lol.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you? Most people don’t know that I’m pretty shy. I’m sure they think I’m not very friendly but it’s not true. 

One piece of advice you would like to share with exhibitors who are just getting started? Work hard, don’t sass your trainer, practice, practice, practice, and be a sponge!

Be sure to see the pictures of Gail’s granddaughters, Ellie on Chucky in the Lead line and Olivia with Chucky in the Small-Fry Showmanship…it is great to see Gail share her love of horses with her grandchildren!