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Welcome to the

Missouri quarter horse association


missouri quarter horse association

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide beneficial member services that enhance and encourage Quarter Horse ownership and participation. To generate growth of MQHA membership through marketing, promotion, advertisement, publicity, and education regarding the American Quarter Horse.

mqha upcoming events

View our upcoming events! Click on each event on the calendar to learn more about location and contact information.







Point Standings

Members should be sure to click on the button below to read our by-laws for specific year end award and high point award requirements.

MQHA has updated to a new points system. All shows prior to 10/30/24 have been uploaded. Please check everything out and let us know if you have any questions or concerns! We are excited for this new software and think it ultimately will be wonderful!




MQHA Directory

Congratulations to the Macan family, on K M Suddenly Genuine earning the 2024 MQHA High Point Open Horse award and Al Of A Sudden earning the 2024 MQHA reserve High Point Open Horse award!! MQHA wishes Jordan the best of luck with her horses this year! Take a look through the 2025 MQHA directory! Thank you to all of our advertisers! Be sure to read the letter from our MQHA President, Melinda Maxson Tivoli and also the letter from MQHYA President, Hunter Skouby.